Hodaka Identification
To order the right part it's important that you identify the frame and engine as the model that you think it is. In years gone past it was common to make a lot of modifications on Hodaka's. We took a lot of pride in taking our dearly loved dual-purpose bike and turning it into everything from a MX machine to a road racer. So you never can tell what the previous owner changed.
As a general rule the frame number will assure replacement components such as shocks, handle bars, cables, swing arm, forks and front/rear wheel assemblies. The identification of the engine serial number will tell you that the parts you're ordering are proper for everything from the sparkplug to the secondary sprocket.
Frame identification is relatively easy. You will find the frame serial number on a tag or embossed on the frame in one of the following three areas. Frame numbers are always preceded by a letter and followed by 4 to 5 numeric numbers. An example would be a D-14501 that indicates the frame as belonging to a Model 95 Combat Wombat.
Engine identification is even easier. You will find the engine serial number embossed in the following area. Like the frame, the engine serial numbers are always preceded by a letter and followed by 4 to 5 numeric numbers. An example would be P-2001 that identifies this engine as a Model 92 ACE 100.

After you have identified the serial numbers for your frame and engine you can use the SCHEMATICS to find out what model you have. Now that you know the model you can order the parts you need. If you have any questions contact us at 314-313-5635.